Po’s Farm
Address: 149-41, Jhenshan Road,
Yuanshan Township, Yilan County
Telephone: 03-9232209
Fax: 03-9224922
Website: http://039232209.emmm.tw/
Open Hours: 9:00 ~ 18:00
Admission: Charge
Ecological Themes
n Forest Discovery
n Carnivorous Plant Ecology / all year round
n Fern Ecology / all year round
n Horticulture DIY / all year round
n Beetle Ecology / Jun. ~ Sep.
n Frog’s Life Cycle / Jun. ~ Sep.
n Nostalgic Brook / all year round
n Carnivorous Plant Discovery - NT$250 / 2 hours
n Po’s Forest Delight – NT$400 / half day
n A Stroll in Jhenshan Day Tour– fee charged by inquiry
n Po’s Forest Class for Students – NT$360 / 9:30 ~ 14:30
n Dhyāna‧An Easy Life – NT$500 / 3 hours
Po’s Leisure Attitude
Leisure is not just about eating or having fun; it is to enrich your life through planed activities. What we intend to create is a farm for living, working and also for recreation. Po’s has practiced organic farming for many years, which is to be back to the original type of agriculture and allow food chains run in nature. “Life should be easy” is our fundamental concept. We live with it and are going to carry it on.