Chian Li Guang Herbal Garden
Address: 51, Lane 131, Dapo Road, Sec. 2, Yilan City, Yilan County
Telephone: 03-9357878
Fax: 03-9357877
Open Hours: 10:00 ~ 17:00
Admission: NT$100 (can balance to another expenses)
n Guided tour (for 10 people above) / 40 minutes
n Herbal and organic products
n Herbal cousins
n Herbs DIY
This garden, set up in 2003, features at cultivating herbs for education, tourism and research purposes. We have been making endeavors on studying characteristics of different species of herbs and finding their applications on health care. The goal is to promote the utilization of herbs in our daily life. Since 2005 we have been organizing herbal plants workshop annually; summer camps for children also started from 2007.
Our missions are:
l Introduce the knowledge of herbs and their correct applications for health care
l Offer a living location for young researchers to study herbs and give instructions in conducting the first aid in the wild
l Discover native herbs and explore their applications